Policy Recommendations

  1. Set high expectations for student learning in STEM disciplines.

    • Adopt and implement Career-and College-Ready Standards for STEM disciplines.
    • Implement Career-and College-Ready assessments for STEM disciplines.
    • Influence setting and roll-out of Cut Score changes.
    • Include science in the accountability model by including science scores in school assessments.
  2. Ensure effective STEM teachers in every classroom and out-of-school setting.

    • Assure that teachers entering Indiana classrooms demonstrate knowledge and skills required to assure student learning in STEM
    • Assure that effective professional development that enhances STEM pedagogical and content knowledge will be available for all in-service teachers, administrators and after-school program providers
    • Assure that appropriate incentives and school based capacities are in place to recruit, mentor and retain effective STEM teachers in all Indiana schools.
  3. Develop, advance, and evaluate effective STEM strategies and programs.

    • Fund high-quality programs that have positive impacts on student achievement.
    • Promote high quality data driven decision making around STEM education.
    • Ensure educator training is an integral part of the implementation of any new STEM curricula.
    • Funding requests should be tied to measureable outcomes and sustainability plans.
  4. Align learning and curricular resources to standards.

    • Provide a needs assessment tool for schools and districts to utilize as part of their comprehensive STEM planning.
    • Provide resources for schools and districts to assist in their development of a STEM strategic plan.
    • Provide a recommended list of STEM instructional materials.
  5. Provide students with relevant, up-to-date information and mentoring on STEM careers.

    • Provide actionable steps for businesses, post-secondary education, certification programs and non-profits to be meaningfully involved with schools.
    • Ensure counselors have access to relevant, up-to-date information.
    • Support out of school STEM activities that have standards, assessments, sustainability and accountability.